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#41: Rising Together: Learn How To Break Habits That Are Keeping You Stuck with Sally Helgesen

September 20, 2023 in

Rising Together: Learn How To Break Habits That Are Keeping You Stuck with Sally Helgesen

What habits get in your way at work? Are there any instances in the workplace that may be limiting you? Are you comfortable sharing your achievements and discussing how you specifically generated a result? Would you rather let your accomplishments speak for themselves? This habit of being reluctant to claim your achievements may resonate more with women. However, this episode is for everyone. Not only did these habits resonate with me, but I also became keenly aware of how our organizational structures can make it difficult for women to break them. Today’s guest is best-selling author, speaker, and leadership coach Sally Helgesen. Sally was cited by Forbes as the world’s premier expert on women’s leadership and was inducted into the Thinkers 50 Hall of Fame. Her latest book, “Rising Together: How We Can Bridge Divides and Create a More Inclusive Workplace”, offers practical ways to build more inclusive relationships, teams, and workplaces. It examines the behaviors most likely to get in the way of successful women as they move forward in their careers. In today’s episode, we examine how Sally’s early experiences working in corporate America sparked her journey of becoming a women’s leadership expert. We dive into the beliefs that can provide a foundation for habits that get in the way of women’s efforts to rise. We also discuss her new book, Rising Together, and what we can do to build better work cultures of belonging and inclusion. Let’s get some integrity in our spines, bring our attention to this moment, and learn from Sally Helgesen.

Key Points:

  • We cannot control what others think; we can only control how we act.
  • It is essential to have honest conversations. Communicate what you’re interested in. Being reluctant to talk about your aspirations doesn’t serve you.
  • Making a simple request is not always leveraging. It can be a chance to give others an opportunity to feel good about themselves.
  • Set boundaries based on your values, and learn to say no without elaboration.
  • During difficult situations, build awareness of your reaction and find a path where you can move more productively.

Episode Highlights

[00:56] Getting to know Sally Helgesen and her passion [02:44] Sally’s Origin Story [07:38] Looking at exclusivity from both the individual and organizational standpoint [10:15] What keeps Sally going [11:52] Building awareness around beliefs that lead us to resist growth [17:54] Taking responsibility for getting your work noticed [25:49] Building relationships in the workplace [30:28] Coping with the disease to please [31:00] Overcoming either/or thinking [38:58] How to give people the benefit of our goodwill [49:21] Managing diversity and creating psychological safety in the workplace [58:23] The most impactful advice for Sally

Resources Mentioned:

“The Female Advantage: Women’s Ways of Leadership” by Sally Helgesen “How Women Rise” by Marshall Goldsmith and Sally Helgesen “Rising Together: How We Can Bridge Divides and Create a More Inclusive Workplace” by Sally Helgesen

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