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RAL Confident & Resilient Leader

Building Confident Leaders Application

The number one skill sought in senior executives (by companies and Boards of Directors) is the ability to motivate and lead others. This is according to a survey of 1,200 business leaders around the world, conducted by IIC Partners, one of the top 10 global executive search organizations.

Sixty-eight percent of top leaders said they prefer a senior executive who can motivate and inspire others– more than they desire an executive who consistently performs well (mentioned by 26 percent).

“The price of entry to the corner office remains competency,” said the chairman of IIC Partners. “But once there, a leader’s success is more about inspiring and motivating others to perform, rather than what he or she does individually.

“The emerging snapshot of today’s most valued senior executive is not just that of a talented practitioner. Rather, this sought-after executive is very ‘other-directed’ and excels at harnessing the power of others through leadership and inspiration.”

After motivational ability, the senior executive traits most valued by organizations were: strong ability to manage change (51 percent); ability to identify and develop talent (46 percent); innovative thinking (30 percent); and consistently high performance (26 percent).

HigherEchelon has recognized that leaders today are most consistently confident in their ability to “get the job done,” but many lack confidence in how to motivate or develop their team. Our experienced practitioners have worked with sport coaches as well as high ranking military leaders who also struggle with this concept. We can help you take your leadership to the next level by teaching you how to be an effective coach to get the most out of your team. Contact us to schedule a consultation.