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The Power of Trust

Stephen Covey wrote a great book on the impact of trust on the culture and effectiveness of an organization.  The book, “The Speed of Trust”1 illustrates that trust always has two outcomes – speed and cost.  When trust goes up, costs will go down, and the speed of doing business rises.  Covey also wrote...
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What is Single Sign-On (SSO)?

Are you having a hard time keeping track of all your passwords? If you are like me, then you likely have a notepad with all your passwords scribbled down only to find yourself in crisis when the notepad goes missing. Fortunately, Salesforce can reduce the number of passwords your users need to keep track...
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The Power of Positive Thinking

Do you consider the glass half-full or half-empty? This old adage is commonly used in reference to one’s mentality as either optimistic or pessimistic. Research has shown time and again the benefits of optimism, which can be defined as the predisposition towards expecting favorable future outcomes.1 Optimistic individuals report fewer symptoms of depression, use...
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Leader Climate and Mission Success

One of the best assignments I had in the Army was an observer evaluator for an Army national training center called the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) at FT Polk, Louisiana. JRTC enabled high stress, tough, and difficult training exercises for our Army brigade combat teams that would rotate through a free flow engagement...
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From Tension to Triumph: Managing Workplace Conflict

There is no getting around it – conflict is everywhere, and the workplace is no exception. Some of our favorite television shows owe part of their grand appeal to the way they make light of situational workplace conflict (Think The Office or Parks and Recreation, for example). While often humorous for sitcom-binging viewers, poorly...
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