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Control the Controllable

One day in high school, I was at practice for my club soccer team. Weather and field conditions were poor and with it our team’s morale. Naturally we were dreading the two-hour long practice and only wanted to go home or do anything other than practice that day. Thankfully, our wise coach stepped in...
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Customized Forecasting – A HigherEchelon Model

Forecasts are an integral component of most sales teams. It is critical to review, receive and analyze accurate sales forecasts based on Company sales processes and business goals. Salesforce.com offers an out-of-the-box, free Forecasting tool. Salesforce Forecasting has many great features, but there is not a lot of room for customization. That said, it...
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When Human Error Is Not Important

The workforce is made up of humans. Human workers, human weaknesses, and ultimately human error. Fortunately, all human’s also have strengths. While negativity biases might lead you to only focus on weaknesses and errors, new research suggests that better performance comes from focusing on strengths rather than trying to fix weaknesses.(2) Knowing our strengths...
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Does Your Data Always Need A Report?

It is Monday morning and your staff meeting starts in 10 short minutes. You need to quickly get the latest information about key records in Salesforce. How do you get the data you need in time for the meeting? Many users automatically think of a report when they think of getting a summary of...
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Crucial Cues For Optimal Performance

Picture this. You are in a client meeting and everything is running smoothly. The client unexpectedly offers an objection you are unprepared for, and all of the sudden your heart starts racing, you feel jittery, you are breathing faster, and overall you just feel nervous. Ever happened to you? This response, which is entirely...
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