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Know Thyself

June 9, 2020 in
AUTHOR: KATIE GOLDEN, COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE COACH The Importance of Building Self-Awareness as a Leader “To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom” -Socrates We have all had a boss who is just clueless. Not necessarily about work, but about their own cognition, which in turn affects his social abilities and is tied to a...
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Leading Without a Title

May 13, 2020 in
Author: Drew Morgan "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams Consider the following scenario. You are on a call with your team led by your supervisor as you discuss ideas for an upcoming project. Your colleague, who has...
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Transforming Analytics Into Insights

May 4, 2020 in
How Tableau and Salesforce Help you Visualize Results Salesforce recently completed the purchase of Tableau, an amazing data reporting and visualization tool. This solution nicely complements the existing Einstein Analytics product and adds some critical capabilities to the platform. A common question is when do I use Einstein Analytics vs Tableau? The first step...
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Why Most Goals Are Not Met

April 6, 2020 in
Common Goal Setting Pitfalls and How to Avoid them. Author: Noelle Torres How is it that some people can meet their goals while most others cannot? The component in our process that consistently gets neglected is finding and knowing the why behind what you do. Most organizations and leaders know what they do and...
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The Unknowable Potential

April 1, 2020 in
Author: Christine Pretti Mounds of research has shown what we have intuitively known for years—the mind is a very, very powerful thing. Yet, very little time is spent on training mental skills, as opposed to technical skills. HigherEchelon’s Resilient and Adaptable Leader© program does just that. We train mental and emotional skills that form...
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