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Breaking Barriers and Records—Translating an Athletic Mindset to the Corporate Arena

[Read Time: 4 Min] “If you think you can do a thing or can’t do a thing, you are right." Henry Ford Mind over Matter May 6th, 1954 was a rainy and windy day at the University of Oxford. Warming up on the track was Roger Bannister, a medical student attempting to do something...
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The Importance of Organizational Stewardship

Organizations do not magically achieve excellence—it takes high performing leaders to drive organizational excellence. In doing so, leaders must enforce the standards and values that are in the best interest of the organization, and this caretaker approach is called stewardship. West Point’s honor code is a great example of how the academy fosters stewardship...
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Promoting Women’s Health: VA and Air Force Partnership Sees Results

[3:30 MINUTE READ] The first blog on this topic, “VA and Air Force team up to promote Women’s Health” was posted August 27th, 2018. Since late 2017, HigherEchelon has been honored to support the VA Women’s Health Transition Training Pilot, an initiative born of a partnership between the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and...
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The Power of Trust

Stephen Covey wrote a great book on the impact of trust on the culture and effectiveness of an organization.  The book, “The Speed of Trust”1 illustrates that trust always has two outcomes – speed and cost.  When trust goes up, costs will go down, and the speed of doing business rises.  Covey also wrote...
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What is Single Sign-On (SSO)?

Are you having a hard time keeping track of all your passwords? If you are like me, then you likely have a notepad with all your passwords scribbled down only to find yourself in crisis when the notepad goes missing. Fortunately, Salesforce can reduce the number of passwords your users need to keep track...
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