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HigherEchelon offers a wide variety of human capital c training services, and the common thread woven among them all is assessments. Peter Drucker stated, “If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.” To truly see yourself and determine a way forward—either individually or organizationally—you need sound, validated processes and measures to identify your current state. HigherEchelon does not start with solutions in mind, rather we begin each project with a front-end analysis to understand the organizational needs, current and desired performance states, and the performance gap between the two. These can involve formal interviews, focus groups, as well as specific industry accepted assessment instruments where appropriate. Additionally, we assess our progress towards your goals at each step of our journey with you. HigherEchelon utilizes pre/post evaluations, hands on exercises to capture real-time metrics of learning and performance, after action reviews, and surveys to solicit feedback for continued improvement of our measures and our personnel. We are proficient with vendor developed tools and have a suite of in-house assessments for learning, personal behavior changes, and organizational results so you can clearly see our impact and worth. With access to numerous validated assessments, a few of the more common assessments and certifications we utilize include:
  • Cognitive Behavioral Assessment (CBA) – HE partners with by Dr. Paul Squires, founder and head of Applied Skills & Knowledge© to provide assessments that measure skills used in eight leadership situations: teamwork, communication and networking, work-life balance, innovation, business acumen, quality focus, customer focus, and project management.
  • U.S. Army Multi-Source Assessment and Feedback program (MSAF) – HE is certified on the U.S. Army’s competency-based self-awareness training tool, which is the only assessment validated against the Army’s Leader Requirements Model.
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI) – HE practitioners provide MBTI assessments which aim at indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world around them and make decisions.
  • Korn Ferry© viaEDGE – He partners with industry leader, Korn Ferry©, to provide assessments that align business with talent strategy.
  • DiSC© profile – HE offers the DiSC© assessment, which is a personality assessment tool based on the DiSC theory from psychologist William Moulton Marston. The DiSC theory centers on four different personality traits: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. The goal is to improve productivity, communication, and teamwork by accounting for personality and behavior. Our partnership includes training and assessments integrated into a program called the 5 Behaviors of a Cohesive Team.
  • Envisia Learning’s View Suite 360 – HE partners with Envisia Learning© to provide ten validated 360 assessments oriented towards executives, leaders, managers, and individual contributors. The assessments focus on competencies aligned with leadership, teambuilding, emotional intelligence, to include those working in a sales environment.
  • Hogan EQ report – HE teams with Hogan Assessments© to provide assessments that measure emotional intelligence as it relates to performance.
Our professionals work with you to research and/or develop the most effective assessment based on your goals and strategy. Our trainers assist in implementing the assessment that is aligned with your company’s culture, leader-development needs, performance evaluation system, and timeline. Contact HigherEchelon today to help you determine the right assessment at the right time to improve your organizational performance.