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Don’t Go Easy On High Achievers | HigherEchelon President Joe Ross on ESPN 97.7 Radio

September 10, 2020 in

Organizational psychology expert and HigherEchelon President Dr. Joe Ross recently appeared on ESPN 97.7 Radio with Thom Abraham to talk why sports involvement can lead to high performing, resilient, and adaptable leaders and why you shouldn’t go easy on achievement-oriented athletes, especially those who play at the Academies.

“One of the biggest mistakes any coach can make is to be soft or feel sorry for [the athletes]”, Ross said. “You should never be soft or sorry for these men and women who choose to go to the Academies. In fact, it’s the opposite. You need to be harder, you need to drive them harder. You need to make sure they are deliberate and consistent not just with their [athletic] preparation but also with their academic preparation and their military preparation.”

Check out the interview:

Ross said he takes lessons from high performing athletes and teaches leaders how to improve their own mental habits and performance in their organizations and then teach their teams how to do it too through leadership training and executive coaching.

“You can’t be a high performer 24 hours a day,” Ross said, “but you can be a high performer for 40 minutes four times per day, and it’s knowing the processes and the little things about how to do it. So we’ll spend three days with the leaders to show them how to facilitate it so they understand how to do it themselves first.”

Ross’s signature Resilient and Adaptable Leader workshop teaches mental and emotional skills such as adaptive thinking, emotional intelligence, resilience, grit, optimism, psychological hardiness, stress and energy management, attention control, mindfulness, and emotional agility.


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