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Human Capital

You Can’t Change ‘Culture’ Until You Understand It

Author: Donnie Horner, Ph.D. Editor: Rachel Bryars Culture is one of the most expressed and least understood concepts on Earth. As one NFL observer (accurately) noted, there is not a newly hired head coach who does not address the need to change the culture of the team. Other observers (incorrectly) note: “Coach X is...
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Why most change management efforts fail (and 4 ways to help them succeed)

Author: Dr. Donnie Horner Editor: Rachel Bryars Maybe your organization is transitioning to a new technology and team members are digging in their heels.  Maybe there is an important organization-wide initiative that is floundering. Why do most change efforts fail? Often, because they require a change to some aspect of an organization’s culture. What...
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How To Face Fear with Hardiness and Grit

January 4, 2021 in
It may not be 2020 anymore, but we still live in uncertain times. For many, fear and anxiety persists. What are the top mindset skills we need in 2021 to stay strong despite ongoing challenges? How can we face and overcome fear to achieve our goals? Welcome Uncomfortable Emotions To stay mentally strong and...
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Are You An Unconscious Leader?

October 14, 2020 in
AUTHOR: Eric Bean, PhD Editor: Rachel Bryars Right now, where are you? I do not mean geographically or in an overly spiritual sense. Rather, what emotions are you currently experiencing? How is your mental state? Are you present, past, or future-focused? Now think in terms of interactions with your teammates. How are you when...
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Don’t Go Easy On High Achievers | HigherEchelon President Joe Ross on ESPN 97.7 Radio

September 10, 2020 in
Organizational psychology expert and HigherEchelon President Dr. Joe Ross recently appeared on ESPN 97.7 Radio with Thom Abraham to talk why sports involvement can lead to high performing, resilient, and adaptable leaders and why you shouldn't go easy on achievement-oriented athletes, especially those who play at the Academies. "One of the biggest mistakes any...
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