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October 18, 2024 in


Our proprietary Resilient and Adaptable Leader (RAL) Program © treats leadership as a performance – something that can be mastered with education, training, experience, and coaching.  The program is foundational to our approach to leadership, and is useful for leaders at all levels, including senior executives, middle management, entry level, or aspiring leaders. Experiencing stress as part of your job or daily life?  RAL is for you. Replicated research in the social and behavioral sciences demonstrates that high performing leaders drive high performing organizations. The RAL Program © uses scientifically informed best practices to optimize leadership development and human performance. The program was co-developed by the former Director of the Center for Enhanced Performance at West Point and the former Director of the Air Force Smart Operations Program in the wake of 9/11 and is today the foundation of the Army’s Ready and Resilient (R2) Program.  The principles in RAL have helped countless leaders increase their awareness, change their mindsets and behaviors, and finally become the leaders they want and need to be. Our customizable training plans help leaders address common but sometimes perplexing issues.  We integrate assessments, executive coaching, and deliberate practice to reinforce the training and develop productive habits that shape behavior for the long run. Our RAL Program is different:  we go beyond teaching traditional leadership skills to focus on trainable performance that supports consistent, high outcome, positive behaviors. RAL is not a “one and done” approach—instead, it is an investment in people as the driving force for organizational excellence.  It is a transformational experience that will take your organization to the next level.

Leadership Workshops

Leadership workshops address the client’s interests, requirements, and goals.  Workshops are tailored to the unique needs of each client, and typically include a mix of topics associated with our Resilient Adaptable Leader model. Our leadership development programs are tailored to what you need when you need it.  We assess your current challenges and situation to properly design and deliver the right training and right education to produce desired outcomes.  We avoid off-the-shelf, flavor of the month solutions. Leadership programs are delivered in a group setting in half-day, full-day, or 2-3 day workshops.  Clients specify their preferred delivery modality, including on-site, face-to-face, remotely, or via our GoHigherLearning asynchronous learning platform – a tool which makes our leadership content and training conveniently available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Workshops include some combination of training, education, and hands-on exercises.  Our leadership workshops are active and experiential – participants are not passive observers.  Based on sound science and derived best practices, workshops are practical, solutions oriented, entertaining, and produce meaningful, lasting effects. Below are two examples of a one-day workshop.  Content is customized to fit your specific goals.  For examples of other HigherEchelon leadership workshops and to discuss your particular needs, please contact steven.spaulding@higherechelon.com (706) 755-0326.

Workshop Pricing

All programs include an instructor and materials for up to 15 people with training conducted on-site, excluding travel:

Customer Reviews

If you want more information about HigherEchelon’s Resilient Adaptable Leader Program and leadership workshops, please book an appointment below or contact steven.spaulding@higherechelon.com (706) 755-0326 to design the best solution to fit your needs.


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