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#32: Coach with compassion to inspire sustainable change with Dr. Richard Boyatzis

November 23, 2022 in

Coach with compassion to inspire sustainable change with Dr. Richard Boyatzis

It’s likely that, at some point, you have helped somebody make a change in their life. But while you may have meant well, you might have gone about it the wrong way–approaching the person as someone to be “fixed” instead of inspiring them to learn and create positive change.  Coaching somebody for the sake of compliance more often than not ends up being a band aid solution. Results become temporary to appease an immediate need, but people are likely to return to their old ways if not invested in the change.  Sustainable positive change happens when we deeply engage somebody with a positive vision of themselves–called by our guest as “Coaching with Compassion.”  Today’s guest is Dr. Richard Boyatzis, a professor in the Department of Organizational Behavior, Psychology, and Cognitive Science at Case Western Reserve University. He has written books and numerous articles in the field of neuroscience, coaching, management education, and more, as well as Coursera MOOCs with over one and a half million enrollees. Armed with a PhD in Social Psychology from Harvard and a passion for development, Dr. Boyatzis is dedicated to providing ways to help people change that are leveraged with the latest in neuroscience. 

Key Points:

  1. Nurture human capital through motivation and inspiration. 
  2. Emotional intelligence is an essential trait in leadership and coaching. 
  3. Create sustainable change through encouraging introspection and learning. 

Episode Highlights

  • [00:57] On creating sustainable, positive change in people 
  • [02:26] Dr. Richard Boyatzis 
  • [10:26] Effective leadership and activating the human capital 
  • [17:24] Dr. Boyatzis in Aerospace Engineering and finding his passion in Organizational Psychology 
  • [27:54] Dr. Boyatzis’ personal philosophy of shared visions and equal opportunity that applies to his body of work 
  • [34:44] The important role of emotional intelligence in leadership in both having self-awareness and dealing with others’ emotions 
  • [41:24] Recovering from the buildup of stress which affects your emotional intelligence 
  • [46:42] On goals sometimes having a negative emotional tractor 
  • [50:01] On choosing jobs based on the characteristics of it and the environment, instead of based on the job itself 
  • [52:03] Intentional Change Theory, applying it into one’s life, and creating sustainable change 
  • [1:02:41] Advice for leaders on how they can become better at coaching 
  • [1:06:16] Intentional Change Theory and applying it at the organizational level 
  • [1:08:41] Advice for people who want to become leaders: (1) stay consistent with practicing their personal vision; (2) have conversations about your vision, innovation, etc.;   
  • [1:10:58] Questions to stimulate a dissonant leader  
  • [1:12:31] On finding a medium that inspires you in leadership 

Resources Mentioned:

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