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#11: Developing an Outward Mindset with Chip Huth

Developing an Outward Mindset with Chip Huth & Eric Bean, Ph.D.

Today’s Coaching Through Stories episode features guest Chip Huth who has been an active member of the Kansas City Police Department (KCPD) for the past 28 years. Currently, Chip serves as a Major for KCPD’s Traffic Division, the State of Missouri’s defensive tactics subject matter expert, and as a senior consultant with Arbinger Institute. Chip has planned, coordinated, and executed more than 2500 high-risk tactical operations and takes the lessons he learned on the force and shares them through powerful stories and speaking engagements. In today’s podcast, Chip discusses how he shifted his mindset to become a high performing leader in the field, at home, and as a father.

Three Key Points:

  1. Leading with an outward mindset allows a leader to support others and be open to new solutions and possibilities. 
  2. Having more research-based training is ideal so we can see what really works. 
  3. From the outward mindset perspective, leaders should incentivize members of the team not based on what they did but based on what other people were able to accomplish because of what they did. 

Episode Highlights:

  • Chip reflects on some of his life’s transformative experiences. 
  • Chip talks about his experience leading the Street Crimes Tactical Enforcement Team for a decade and why he feels it’s one of his life’s defining moments. 
  • Chip points out what it means to “grow where you are planted.” 
  • There are two kinds of people in an organization: the person in charge and the person that knows what’s going on. 
  • What’s inside Chip that has enabled him to look within? 
  • How Chip handles missteps and inconsistencies by becoming vulnerable. 
  • Chip discusses a moment that he defines as his “tipping point.” 
  • Chip shares how leaders can help their teams exercise discretion. 
  • Chip shares concrete tips leaders can try to lead with an outward mindset. 
  • Chip identifies ways that leaders can make relationships better and what the acronym S.A.M. (See People, Adjust Efforts, Measure Impact) is all about. 

Resources Mentioned:

The Outward Mindset: How to Change Lives and Transform Organizations  (book)  Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box  (book)  Man’s Search for Meaning  (book)  Chip Huth Website , LinkedIn , Twitter  Help us grow by leaving a rating or review on Apple Podcast  – here’s how To learn more about how you can take your leadership to the next level, check out our service offerings: Resilient and Adaptable Leadership, Executive Coaching, and Change Management. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.