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Eric Bean Headshot

#39: The Value of Having No Expectations with Dr. Eric Bean

The Value of Having No Expectations with Dr. Eric Bean Summary What are you doing to manage your expectations? Expectations at first glance seem harmless, but they overall can harm how we perform. In a world that demands constant productivity and success, especially in sports and business, expectations can lead to stress, disappointment, lack...
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#38: Cultivate Mental Health and Wellness in Your Workplace with Dr. Kensa Gunter

February 15, 2023 in
Cultivate Mental Health and Wellness in Your Workplace with Dr. Kensa Gunter According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 12 billion workdays are lost annually due to depression and anxiety costing the global economy nearly US $1 trillion.    What is your organization doing to accommodate the needs of workers with mental health...
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#37 – The Benefits of Neutrality with Josh Lifrak

January 31, 2023 in
The Benefits of Neutrality with Josh Lifrak Very often, our minds are actively focused on different things—events that have already happened, have yet to happen, or something we judge as either positive or negative. We rarely find our minds neutral, and that, in turn, affects how we interact in the present.  A neutral mind...
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Eric Bean Headshot

#36: The Power of Unlearning with Dr. Eric Bean

January 19, 2023 in
The Power of Unlearning with Dr. Eric Bean Summary Unlearning is a powerful and often overlooked concept in personal and professional growth. It is the process of intentionally letting go of knowledge, beliefs, or behaviors that are harmful or obsolete to make room for new perspectives and development.  The ability to unlearn is crucial in...
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#35: What Leaders Get Wrong About Resilience with Dr. Mustafa Sarkar

What Leaders Get Wrong About Resilience with Dr. Mustafa Sarkar When you think of the word "resilience," what do you picture? Historically, it has meant the ability to withstand challenges and keep going. However, it can also be misunderstood to mean ignoring or suppressing negative emotions in order to seem strong.   This can lead...
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