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National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)

What is NIEHS?

The NIEHS primarily conducts, fosters, and coordinates research on the biological effects of chemical substances and physical factors present in the environment, utilizing its own laboratories & personnel, contracts, and grant-in-aid to universities for research projects, training, fellowships, and environmental health centers. They seek to develop an understanding of the mechanisms of action of environmental substances, to provide the scientific basis for evaluating their extent and severity on a national scale, and to define and develop methods for diagnosis and treatment of environmentally induced illness.

Our Services

HigherEchelon conducts coaching sessions with NIEHS executive leadership to improve management and leadership skills, fostering the development of a dynamic leadership team. Coaching sessions also include development and execution of the semi-annual leadership retreat curriculum. Additionally, we provide guidance on strategic planning by facilitating meetings, observing team interactions, and providing recommendations on ways to accomplish such planning in the most effective, transparent, and efficient manner. Our highly qualified personnel coupled with our experience in high-performance training helps NIEHS Senior Leaders function as a cohesive team and exemplify the behaviors necessary to shape an innovative culture.