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RAL Situational Awareness

Situational Awareness Application 1

A medical devices company missed its R&D goals by ten percent in the fourth quarter, and for the first time in the company’s history, sales goals were missed (by two percent). Further, a trend was emerging; R&D goals had been missed in three of the four quarters.

In addressing business leaders, the CFO espoused the company’s vision and mission, and reminded upper management to “stay the course” in efforts to make across-the-board improvements. However, she failed to address particular areas where immediate improvement was paramount.

There are multiple styles of attention, and most people have their own dominant style of attention. Through studying the science of attention and flow, we know that the style of attention may not match the requirements of the task. As a leader, one must strenthen all styles of attention so as to not over-rely on just one style. With our coaching, we can help you learn how to seamlessly shift your attention to the most pressing and critical components of any task. Contact us for a consultation.

Situational Awareness Application 2

Richard built his E-commerce business from the ground up. As it grew, and his needs for additional expertise grew, Richard hired only the most knowledgeable people. In the early days, profitability was a matter of course…almost a given. Then competition stiffened, and Richard’s company had to be more innovative and market savvy than ever.

The early days had garnered a sense of self-reliance in Richard that was ill placed in more competitive times. Because he had attended the best schools, received his doctorate, and enjoyed business success right out the chute, Richard hadn’t learned to rely on the expertise around him. His managers offered suggestions for recouping profitability, but Richard kept doing business by his old norms. Eventually, Richard’s capable managers left the company for positions where they could make a difference. Richard was in trouble.

Richard’s case is not uncommon. Many people struggle to change because it means letting go of the habits and patterns that got them to this level of success in the first place. “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” is a mantra of those who are comfortable being good. In order to be great, we have to let go of good and get comfortable being uncomfortable. We can help you push beyond your comfort zone to innovate and adapt to the changing world around you. Contact us for a consultation.