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How Does Virtual Reality Contribute to Astronaut Training?

One of the most exciting emerging technologies today is virtual reality. Every day, virtual reality technologies are expanding to change the way that we work, play, and engage with others. In particular, many industries are adopting virtual reality to train and upskill their employees, especially those in high-risk positions like astronauts. Virtual reality has...
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Virtual & Augmented Reality Use in Space Exploration

Contributors: Rachel Bryars and Andrea Pressnell Graphic Design by: Nicole Szews Virtual and augmented reality training are increasingly becoming a necessary cutting-edge component across industries. In addition to gaming, medical, military, and entertainment applications, the space industry also is fast adopting these technologies. From astronaut training to maintenance assistance, extended reality technologies are rapidly...
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How to overcome self-sabotage & perform well (whether you are “in the zone” or not)

Contributors: Angie Winter, Ph.D. and Rachel Bryars Think through your typical work week – what are the moments when you feel you need to be “on” and perform well? Most of us have recurring work moments that can be thought of as "performances" -- such as leading a presentation, hosting a meeting, submitting a...
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Can Virtual Reality Combat Isolation & Loneliness?

Loneliness is common in today’s world, especially over the last few years. Many people are increasingly turning to technology to connect with others, such as social media and online games. However, others are using virtual reality technology to combat isolation and loneliness. Virtual reality can be the foundation for powerful applications that facilitate social...
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All Things Culture and Change Management – Dr. Donnie Horner on Every Other Wednesday Podcast

Culture -- it's nuanced and you can't "bring it with you" from one organization to another (try as we might). What does that mean for leaders? Check out HigherEchelon Sr. VP Dr. Donald H. Horner, Jr.'s interview on Every Other Wednesday podcast with fellow experts Richard Hadden, MBA, CSP, Jeff Tobe & Michael Kerr....
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