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Does Your Data Always Need A Report?

June 24, 2018 in
It is Monday morning and your staff meeting starts in 10 short minutes. You need to quickly get the latest information about key records in Salesforce. How do you get the data you need in time for the meeting? Many users automatically think of a report when they think of getting a summary of...
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Crucial Cues For Optimal Performance

June 11, 2018 in
Picture this. You are in a client meeting and everything is running smoothly. The client unexpectedly offers an objection you are unprepared for, and all of the sudden your heart starts racing, you feel jittery, you are breathing faster, and overall you just feel nervous. Ever happened to you? This response, which is entirely...
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Gratitude Is More Than An Attitude

May 29, 2018 in
Would people describe you as grateful? Or are you only deliberately grateful when you celebrate Thanksgiving or during the holiday seasons? If the latter is true, you are not alone. One-off displays or seasonal feelings of gratitude occur more often than intentional efforts to generate a culture of gratitude at work and at home....
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What Does Your Workspace Do For You?

April 23, 2018 in
Think about your organization’s goals. Now think about the key steps to achieve them. What comes to mind? If optimizing your work environment is not on your list, it should be. It might surprise you to know that a key driver of organizational innovation is an optimal workplace design.2 Take a moment to be mindful about how...
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Eat To Lead

April 13, 2018 in
Common challenges business leaders face includes increasing productivity, successfully completing projects, prioritizing a heavy workload, and communicating clearly and concisely.1 While many challenges focus on productivity and communication, one overlooked criterion for successful leadership is a healthy diet. The influx of grab and go lunches, lack of healthy snacks, frequent consumption of coffee, and skipping...
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